All parts listed are new, or new, old stock (N.O.S.) unless otherwise indicated. Prices are excluding post. Most spares listed are those normally held in stock, or are available from our suppliers. There maybe a slight delay if we have to order your part(s). Other spares not listed may be available from our suppliers as a special order and subject to importing handling charge.
Spares catalogue available on request.
For safety reasons, we do not sell used control cables, tyres, inner tubes, brake linings etc. unless you specify, in writing, they are for static/display machines only.
If you would like a spares catalogue please send 4 x Large letter stamps to the below address. Please note - prices quoted are for a guide only and prices and availability may have changed accordingly
NSU Quickly Spares Ivy House Maypole Hoath Canterbury Kent CT3 4LN +44(0)7714 781600
Or better still you can download the latest one (Winter/Spring 2025) straight to your PC here:
(PDF - 32mb)
Please note - prices quoted are for a guide only and prices and availability may have changed accordingly.
Spares for sale
(Click the image for larger pictures)
Rear lamp complete with cream rubber backplate.
Note the lamp, from our suppliers in Germany, does not include the number plate illuminating 'window' at the bottom of the shell.
- New complete Bing 1/12 carburettor with starter/choke. Ready to fit.
- NSU Quick 50 - front or rear mudguard badge.
- New, remanufactured clutch side engine cover suitable for N, S, L, N23, S23 models.
- Twin seat cover and strap in blue/cream (pictured) or red/cream. To fit yourself (excluding aluminium trim).
Trim fixing screws set also available.
- Pedal crank nuts for early models. (up to frame no. 447150)
- F23 model, rear suspension unit top covers and fixing screws.
- Speedometer drive for N23, S23 models with 10mm spindle.
- Set of 3 zinc plated cable clips for the rear section 23" frame (for rear light cable) Part number 168000002.
- Decompessor packing cap. This is the small pressed steel cap that sits over the packing washer on the decompressor assembly. Part no. 160200010.
A large selection of reconditioned parts
- Reconditioned clutch side cover for N.S. models - finished in Steel grey.
- Reconditioned front tool box cover In undercoat grey.
- Reconditioned headlamp shell only - no switch, rim, glass etc.
Used parts
Continually updated - some are 'one off' parts ring first for availability.
- Frames (most types).
- Front forks (some with suspension units) - (some new, old stock).
- Complete wheels/rims/bearings/cones etc, brake hubs etc. P. O. A.
- Mudguards (some new, old stock). P.O.A
- Luggage racks - N. S. P.O.A
- 2 speed engines (for restoration not seized, less carbs,mags,engine side covers and pedals). P.O.A
- Engine/clutch/gear/pedal shaft parts (no pistons, barrels, pedals). P.O.A.
- Crankcase halves 2 speed. P.O.A
- Magnetos (back-plate and rotor) untested. P.O.A
- Magneto side and clutch engine covers. see also above P.O.A
- Carburettors (reconditioned also available). P.O.A
- Carburettor parts (no fuel taps). P. O. A.
- Headlamp glasses & rear lamps N23, S23, S23/2, F23 rear lamp shells only. P.O.A
- Tool boxes & lids. see also above P.O.A
- Handlebar brackets etc. and controls. P. O. A.
- Silencers/exhaust pipes sometimes available. P. O. A.
Other spare parts stocked.
- Complete single saddles, rubber saddle tops, saddle springs, pillion foot rests.
- Exhaust pipes, silencers, silencer clamps & clips
- Round & oval headlamp reflectors, glasses & chrome rims
- Chrome tank straps, tank strap rubbers, tank support rubbers, fuel taps & caps
- Chrome handlebars, clamps, twist grip sleeves, clutch & brake levers
- Fuel tank, front & rear, mudguard & headlamp nacelle badges
- Throttle, clutch, gear, front brake, decompressor & speedo cables
- 26 x 2.00 Continental tyres & inner tubes
- 23 x 2.00, 2.25,2.50, tyres & inner tubes
- White-wall tyres to special order, tyre pumps, mudguard stays.
- Contact points sets, spark plugs & caps, condensers, headlamp switch parts & bulbs
- Chrome cover, dip-switch/horn button, wiring looms
- Flywheel & drive sprocket pullers, exhaust ring & headstock nut spanners
- S2,S23,F model tool box lids, steering locks.
- Cylinder & piston (matched pair) c/w rings, gudgeon pin & circlips,
- Chrome 26 & 23 rims , chrome spokes & nipples, rim tapes
- Carb. floats, needles, jets, filters, inlet rubber tubes & spacers
- Frame/fork rubber stops, frame cable grommets
- Centre & side stands, stand clips & side stand rubbers,
- Front suspension springs, pins, bushes & rubber stops
- 26 & 23 speedo drives, spindle nuts
- Engine, clutch, gear parts, wheel bearings, spindles,cups, cones & seals
- Pistons, piston rings, gudgeon pins, small end bushes
- Cylinder head nuts & washers, decompressor parts
- Chrome fork top nuts, tab washers, steering head bearings & cups
- Individual, decoke and full gasket sets, tank & rear mudguard transfers.
- S2,S23,F model headlamp nacelles
- Elastic skirt guards brake shoes, brake springs & rods
- F model rear suspension, pins, bushes & pvc shrouds
- Chains, links, aluminium engine covers, used steel clutch/chain covers
- Front & rear blank number plates, number plate letters & numbers
- D shape speedos, chrome bezels, seals & retaining spring clips
- Exchange reconditioned carburetters, exchange relined brake shoes
- NSU Quickly T shirts, NSU Quickly DVD (c1955)
- NSU baseball caps and NSU Quickly enamel mugs
- New service repairs, servicing, engine rebuild service