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Welcome to NSU Quickly Spares., run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Supplying new, used (S/H), replica, remanufactured spares and information.

Our aim is to try and keep our type of machine running and used as originally intended.
We are the official UK and Ireland Supplier of Quickly Spares. Initially, a mail order service, but callers welcome by prior arrangement. Orders processed by return whenever possible. We hold an extensive amount of stock with most parts normally in stock. Some delays may occur if we have to re-order stock.

We welcome your telephone enquiry, but please note, we are not a shop, warehouse or garage. We both work full-time and operate this business from our home.

Opening times - NSU Quickly Spares is open daily

Terms of business

Whilst the prices listed were correct when printed, we reserve the right to adjust them at the time of your order. Payment is strictly with order.

PAYMENT - All cheque and international payments in £ sterling drawn on a UK bank.
Make all cheques or postal orders payable to 'A D Robbins'.

US Dollars or Euros accepted in cash notes. If sending notes, please ensure they are wrapped in aluminium cooking foil and sent guaranteed or recorded delivery and marked 'photos enclosed' (at your own risk).

All prices shown are excluding post. There is no VAT to pay.

Please check your order and notify us within 3 days of receipt of goods if you feel there is a discrepancy before returning any items. Refunds,returns or exchanges will only be given within 14 days of delivery. We will not accept any claims (or returns) outside of this period under any circumstances.

We consider orders fully fulfilled if you choose not to pay any customs duties or associated export charges.

Placing orders and Postage.

If you would like a spares catalogue please send 5 X large letter stamps to the below address.

NSU Quickly Spares
Ivy House
+44(0)7714 781600

Or better still you can download the latest one (Summer 2024) straight to your PC here:
(PDF - 32mb)

You can also download an order form here:
(MS Word)

Please send s.a.e. with any enquiry and include your telephone number with orders in case of queries.

This catalogue is designed as a continuous edition which will be updated from time to time. Items which have been withdrawn or amended may continue to be shown. If in doubt ring or email first to check prices and availability.

All parts listed are new, or new, old stock (N.O.S.) unless otherwise indicated. Prices are excluding post.

Most spares listed are those normally held in stock, or are available from our suppliers in Germany. There maybe a slight delay if we have to order your part(s). Other spares not listed may be available from Germany to special order subject to importing handling charge. Most orders and enquiries processed by return - our prompt reply service is our reputation. We can reserve any part (for 1 month) until your order arrives.

As an approximate guide, Royal Mail, 1st. class or parcel post to UK only;
Add £7.00 for very small items - first class post or small parcel post
Add £8.00 for information, manuals etc.
Add £9.00 for small /light items (rings, bushes, seals etc)
Add £14.00 for larger items (bearings, cables, manuals etc)
Add £17.00 for heavy items (barrels, 1 x tyre, magneto rotors etc)
Up to 10kgs. Parcel/package - £28.00
If in doubt or worldwide, please ring or send us an email.

Mail order only or collect by appointment.

Safety information

Used and new, old stock spares are sold on the understanding that the purchaser is aware that these spares may not meet present day safety and quality standards or guidelines.

Any advice given on parts, servicing or modifications is given in good faith and will be limited to recommendations "according to the book" by the original manufactures if available, or if not available, such help or advice will only be on the basis of past experience, knowledge, or the best information available.

To North America customers, we regret that because of the stringent liability laws applying in these countries. We cannot supply "safety related" parts (tyres, cables, brake/wheel parts etc) This is not our decision but a reflection of our modern times.